יום שלישי, 23 באוקטובר 2012

The Possession - Movie2k

The Possession movie2k

The Possession


Judaic variation of Exorcism

Movies2k related to exorcism are an instant attention seeker with audience being more curious about the ways to fight the unseen forces. This time Ole Borndeal has come up with a relatively new idea, a little bit of twist in the method of Exorcism has made this movie “The Possesion” a league of its own. The movie revolves around the Judaic methods of exorcism and also stars Hasidic hip hop star Matisyahu in its cast. The main difference this time is though the spirit that has been depicted is of a Torah descent rather than a Biblical one, which shows that the movie speaks out for the religious variations in movie themes. The movie2k main cause of the havoc in this movie is because of a wooden box that is purchased by a girl named Em in the movie having Jewish prescriptions on it. The box has a dybbuk (a Jewish name for evil spirit) in it which possesses the girl when she opens the box.

The movie has brought out a totally new way of exorcism, but has shown an already deprived family getting entangled into a fight with a force unseen.

The movie is a must watch for those who love fiction and want to explore the diversity in other religions as well.

There will be many in the world who might be listening to the word Dybbuk for the first time in their life because no other movie has ever shown exorcism in Jewish style before.

Click On The Watch Now Button And Watch It For Free !

Author - http://movie2k.info/the-possession-movie2k/

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